Saturday 20 October 2018

A thought I have #2

Witness to the Afghan War 
Time Magazine September 3/10 2018 issue
pp 34 - 42

My day on the frontline...

The long stretch of sandy road ahead reminded me of my favorite apple flavored ice cream. I might not even taste it again. Our commander did not give us the assurance that we would come back from this mission alive. Anyway, there was no time to think about ice cream, we were approaching the outskirts of a town in our convoy of heavily armed 22-ton vehicles. We were one of the three U.S. Army Special Forces-led units converging on Ghazni to save it from the Taliban, which had laid siege to the city over the previous 24 hour.

"Alright boys, load yourselves up, we are approaching targets!" my commander shouted.

I could hear the loading sounds of all the soldier's AK47s. Most of them had anxious and worried looks while only the experienced older soldiers had a look of confidence.

"Take cover!" a commander from another vehicle screamed with his last breath.

Rocket propelled grenades and machine-gun fire came screaming from a tree line to the east,small bursts at first, then all at once. The nearest vehicle blew up in smoke and flames as a rocket propelled grenade hit them.

"Come on boys move it!" our commander urged.

The next few minutes were a blur, we did our best to fight the enemy troops but we were clearly surrounded. Besides, all the enemy were hiding among the trees which made it impossible to hit them with the high recoil on our AK47s.

"Where's the freaking air-strike?" our commander screamed.

Almost on cue, a lumbering AC-130 gunship circling above began showering bullets at the enemies. The air- strike apparently took them by surprise. In no time, the continuous firing was reduced to intermittent shots fired at the remaining few enemies, who we either killed or taken as hostage.

 "Alright boys gather around," our commander ordered. "We might have won this fight but the war is still in progress. For now, this area is secured, let's pack up and leave. Come on move it everyone!"

We gathered the dead bodies and loaded our equipment onto the armored vehicles. I had a feelings that we would have more bodies to bury sooner or later...

A Justified Cause of war

A war is only justified if it is fought for a reason which carries sufficient morality. Sometimes, a war fought to prevent a wrong from happening may be considered a justified war. This is because the victor would have the power to change or get something important. This would directly or indirectly affect other countries. Therefore, it is considered a justified war. 

Nations are changed forever

During the war, the citizens of the nations would suffer hardship as war need large supplies of resources, meaning the government might cut off or decrease supplies to the civilians. Therefore, the living conditions would be worse. If a war is taken place at a place with people staying there, those people wight even get hurt or die.

After the war, the victor will be able to get what she wants and make their countries more developed and also have the resources to improve the living conditions of their people. However, the defeated would most likely suffer. Their fate lies in the hands of the winner

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