Sunday 7 October 2018

A Thought I Have #1

What the rise of Crazy Rich Asians signals for the future of Hollywood
By Karen K. Ho, Time, August 27 2018, pp 40-45

  The article is talking about how the new movie "Crazy Rich Asians" and how it is so special that it might change Hollywood. What so special about this film is that all the actors involved are Asians. This has not been done in a very long time and it is surprising to see how well it is doing. No movies had a all-Asian-cast since "The Joy Luck Club" in 1993. This article tells us how the under represented minorities can now take the centre stage. And that could be the new face of Hollywood.

Why is this significant?

For decades, Asian actors have not been greatly looked upon. For example, female Asian actors have been asked to portray stereotypes like the vindictive dragon lady, the submissive China doll, the nerdy overachiever or the inert sex worker. However, "Crazy Rich Asians" avoids all of these and instead shows the nuances of Asian women's experiences across the generations.

Along with that, the films debunks many Asian stereotypes.

From the author's point of view, he thinks that "Crazy Rich Asians" is a great way of setting a trend in movie nowadays. As mentioned above, Asian actors have not been greatly looked upon. This movie however, shows otherwise. Therefore, this can add as a reminder to all the directors that is is about time to start treating all the actors the same and all can have a part to play in a movie.

I personally... 

think that this movie is a great way to refresh the image of Hollywood. This can bring more viewer's eyes to Asian culture and this can even help to settle racial problems by creating more awareness and deeper understanding.. If a director can balance out the cast equally into different race and religion, this can teach the public more about respecting other religions.

I am looking forward to more inclusive stories that will tug the heartstrings of many.

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